I always emphasize on the importance of keeping alive the native sport of hunting which is not only a tradition and heritage but a healthy lifestyle. But alongside, I have been a stanch advocate of sustainable development of the habitat, local communities, and most importantly the Gamebird.

With hunting season at its peak in Pakistan, every 3 of 5 posts on social media I scroll, is about a hunter with his car hood decorated with the kill. Doesn’t stop here, the heroic look on face with prominently held shotgun fills the picture with more action.

Will the gamebird survive | Altimate Outdoors Blog

Our hunters are obsessed with numbers, quantity and load of their Game bag. Here in Pakistan, hunters are fond of filling up their chillers with Game birds throughout the season, which they feast on rest of the year. It is rarely about the habitat and enjoying the essence of game but as the sun rise, the greed for more starts to rise. Poor bird is already under a lose-lose situation. One bird against several dogs, a large group of hunters each with 5 rounds of attempts. That is not giving the bird a fair sporting chance.

Poaching is another challenge to Game birds in Pakistan. Hitting on Adda (Roost) after nightfall is a favorite game of many. And that alone has devastating impact on the number of Game birds. However, here we are talking about those in pursuit of legal game where if, there is opportunity for more to shoot, they won’t let it go by.

Clearly things are going in the wrong direction here. And this will leave nothing for our generations to come. I fear my children will never be able hear the francolins singing in the wild. The fun-loaded sight of a popping wild hare will be hard to watch for them. They will miss out on the local wisdom of tracking and following the game.

But I believe there is always a way out. Let wild birds be where they are. And what we can do is, shift towards promoting Game bird farming in Pakistan. Trust me, rest of the whole world is doing it. But we as Saada Loh Pakistani watch hunting videos on youtube and think Goraas have taken the wilderness by storm. No, the wild birds would have been only for bed time stories by now if that were to be the case. These are birds bred specifically for the sole purpose of hunting and nothing else. And in return, it is a win-win situation for all. Good profit for Farm owners, livelihood for local communities, a big game bag for hunters and above all, a left alone habitat for wild birds to cherish.

Managing a farm though is a specialized field, which I will try to cover in my next blog. However, this would only be possible if the drive comes from hunters and supported by the Pakistan Wildlife Department on community level. Though there have been initiatives for bidding this year but honestly that wasn’t received well by hunter community. The government must take hunter communities on board while planning initiatives like these. Because, after the Game bird, hunter is the most valuable stakeholder in the whole cycle. And collectively, more inclusive and sustainable initiatives could be taken. Our children need to see what we’ve seen in the outdoors, they need to know what we know of the outdoors and they must have the freedom to scale these trails and connect with nature.

Let’s save Game Birds for our children to cherish!

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