We always tend to teach our children not to categorize people based on their behaviors. But when we speak about hunters – especially them folks – living in Pakistan, you don’t have much to observe but their hunting behavior and how that reflects their obsession. Frankly, this is not a clinical observation in any manner but something that will tell you whether or not you are dealing with an obsessive hunter.

1. While rest of the nation might be saving money for upcoming Eid to buy clothes for their family, our hunter brethren will be saving a good chunk to buy cartridges in bulk. Mainly for the fear that they might hike up the at season’s opening.

2. While you might have a gun rack, our obsessed hunters have a gun room. And if you cannot identify two of them, you have no chances of coming back there.

3. While the world recognize a year’s seasons by temperature, our hunter brothers have a different way of calculating it. They know the seasons by the type of game birds out there. They will know its fall when migratory waterfowls land in the country. They will know its winter when the upland season opens. Spring is again celebrated with waterfowl ventures on river banks. But it doesn’t end here, they even welcome summers by waiting for the Turtle doves a.k.a Russian doves. In between, they won’t miss a chance to take on a few bags of Wood Pigeons. A little summer break, which they love to enjoy spending by posting their bag photos on social media or watching hunting videos on youtube.

altimate duck hunting blog

4. So social media. Well, you will certainly be blind not recognize obsessive hunters there. With far exceeding bag limits, they will proudly post their pictures on facebook and instagram. Some might not be looking at the camera intentionally as if all of it happened naturally and by God’s will. But they will make sure the frame has them covered fully.

5. A sign of Humbleness – would be to post bag picture with a caption of, “Tak Took”. An expression for hunting too less that day.

6. Never tell them the spot – is the golden rule for every hunter. While some are very straight forward about their stance, other would argue not to reveal the beaten area for the sake of conservation. Hard to say, but even if you manage to located the pocket, the only thing you’ll find are empty shells. About a thousand may be.

7. The Ant Philosophy – this philosophy talks about the ant’s ability to be consistent and hardworking. But it is also true for our hunters, but in a different way. That is, “save meat for the whole year”. A dedicated shelf for partridges, quails and ducks. A sign that you are dealing with an obsessive hunter.

8. Talk to them about an upcoming wedding, obituary or a family get together, you will find them cold, silent and with empty stares.


These are merely my observations of which, if you think any are fictions or false, you are welcome to point out or add.